Says Pablo Picasso.
The little box of acrylic colours did exactly this to my everyday student life in Lugano back then in 2012. It dusted me off. And I had a place to stay in silence. Listening to music. Drinking
some wine and just letting my imagination go to other places. Feeling the brush in my hand going over the canvases. Since that moment I never stopped painting. I never decided to continue nor
decided to stop. I just had to paint every now and then. It gave me joy and a way to meditate within my world.
When I moved to Milan four years later I happened to live with a wonderful flatmate who studied art. She and her boyfriend inspired and taught me how to use some different materials other than
acrylics. So I started to experiment with oils and different sketchbook styles. That time I decided to give myself a 365 day art challenge on instagram to immerge myself into the topic in a
deeper way.
The sketchbook accompanied me on a few travels and gave my hand new sensations of viewing art. As a violinist academist of lˋAccademia della Scala I was exposed to many wonderful experiences in
the opera and ballet world. The stage scenery of la Scala was very inspiring to me. The classical music world in general has a huge impact on my art.
In 2017 I moved back to Germany and since 2018 I live close to the sea. Where I enjoy the stunning clouds and marine landscapes.
My art career, in a professional way, had its premiere in February 2020, when I got accepted to be part of a group exhibition in Berlin. This was very exciting for me and a dream came true! Since
then I had a few opportunities to exhibit in close cooperation with the wonderful gallerist Helga Brockmann in Glückstadt in her charming gallery.